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Davis Dyslexia CorrectionThe Davis Dyslexia Correction program is suitable for children age 8 and over, and adults of any age. SIMS Learning Center has successfully worked with with many individuals over age 70. The program typically includes 30 hours of one-on-one work over a 5-day period. Before starting the program, we perform a Perceptual Ability Assessment, an exercise that helps determine whether the student has innate visual conceptualization skills often tied to dyslexia. The two major components of the Davis Dyslexia Correction program are Orientation Counseling and Symbol Mastery. Davis Orientation Counseling® teaches dyslexic students how to recognize and control the mental state that leads to distorted and confused perceptions of letters, words and numerals. Through a simple mental technique, the students learn to turn off the thought processes that cause misperceptions. Instead, they are able to restore their minds to a relaxed and focused state, suitable for reading and other studies. Once Orientation is learned, the student is ready to build the conceptual skills that will allow them to overcome problems stemming from dyslexia. Davis Symbol Mastery® gives dyslexic students the ability to think with symbols and words, so they can learn to read easily and with full comprehension. Using clay, students first work with the alphabet, numerals, and punctuation marks, to make sure that they have an accurate perception and understanding of these symbols. Students then use clay to model the trigger words –the short abstract words, frequently encountered in reading, such as and , the , to , or it . These words cause problems when dyslexic students cannot form a mental picture to go along with them. Through Symbol Mastery , the student makes a three-dimensional clay model of the meaning of each word, together with a model of the letters of the words. With this approach, learning is permanent. When working with children and teenagers, we also provide support training to parents, so that they can continue to work with the child at home. At the end of the basic program, students have a full understanding of all the Davis methods, and know how to continue to use these methods on their own. On completion, students are given a kit containing all materials needed to continue to practice Davis techniques and to continue with clay modeling until they have mastered all the common trigger words. © Davis Dyslexia Association International
Davis Reading Program for Young LearnersThe Best Start: Young learners deserve the best start we can give them. Strong research evidence suggests that children who are exposed to Davis methods at pre-reading or primary level (age 5-7) benefit in the following ways: - They are highly unlikely to develop a learning difficulty. - They are significantly more likely to qualify for gifted program referrals. - Their basic word recognition will be among the highest levels expected for their age group. The Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners is an individualized learning enhancement program with a licensed and trained Davis Facilitator (That's Us!). During the program, we will work directly with the child, and at the same time provide hands-on training and guidance to a participating parent or other family member. The program goal is to give children aged 5-7 the best possible start at the outset of their learning career. Its aims are: - to provide lifelong learning skills to younger children through a partnership between Facilitator, child and parent(s) - to give one or both of the child’s parents, or a support person, sufficient confidence and skill to continue working with the Davis Young Learner’s Kit after the program - to provide children with the conceptual skills needed to develop reading fluency and comprehension. The Davis Reading Program for Young Learners provides important tools to beginning readers. Through the unique partnership philosophy of the program, parents or other family members gain the skills needed to provide the child with ongoing quality support. Learning techniques and activities are keyed to the developmental level of the child, so the child experiences success in a fun and playful setting. Through active participation in the program, the parent gains the knowledge and tools needed to continue supporting the child’s learning at home. As part of the program, students will always receive the Davis Young Learner Kit for Home Use, to be used at home to follow up with the program. The parent will be provided the instruction manual from the kit at the start of the program. Typically, we will schedule 25-30 hours of time with the student and parent, with daily sessions of no more than three hours. At least half or more of the program time will also include the parent or support person participating in helping the child with the new skills and techniques. © Davis Dyslexia Association International
Davis Attention Mastery (A Drug-Free Solution to ADHD)Davis® Attention Mastery provides effective tools to help adults and children age 8 and over to address attention, behavioral, or organizational difficulties. About the program: Through working one-on-one with a Davis Facilitator, adults and children gain new abilities: - To recognize and clear up distorted perceptions. - To use simple mental tools to focus, relax, and control and monitor energy levels. - To master and internalize concepts that will help them with social interactions and attention issues. These concepts include: self, change, consequence, before, after, cause, effect, time, sequence, and order vs. disorder. - To apply these concepts in real life situations A Drug-Free Approach: The Davis approach gives individuals the tools to control their attention focus and energy level without reliance on drugs or nutritional supplements. These simple mental techniques can be learned quickly, without reliance on specialized equipment or gimmicks. These techniques include: - Davis Orientation or Alignment: A simple approach which stabilizes and harmonizes an inividual’s perceptions, including the perception of the passage of time. - Davis Dial Setting: Provides individuals of all ages with enhanced awareness and ability to self-regulate energy levels. - Davis Release: A simple and easy tool for relaxation and stress-reduction. Conceptual Understanding: Individuals who are labeled or diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) tend to be highly imaginative and creative thinkers. Often they have difficulty harnessing their ideas and translating thought to action. They know what they want to accomplish, but struggle when it comes to completing tasks and establishing organization in their lives. Davis Concept Mastery is a system of guided modeling of concepts, which enables individuals to develop personal insight and understanding into their self-created barriers through exploring concepts such as consequence, order, and responsibility. Which Program? Young children diagnosed with ADHD often have significant academic and learning barriers, particularly with reading skills and reading comprehension. The Davis tools for attention regulation are part of every Davis program. Because academic difficulties often are at the heart of behavior problems and the inability to sustain focus in a classroom setting, in some cases it is better for chidren to start with a Davis Dyslexia Correction program. In many cases, the behavior issues that gave rise to an ADHD diagnosis will dissipate when the child gains the ability to read and understand print. Adults and teenagers who are frustrated because of poor organizational skills, difficulty completing projects, or time management may choose to begin with the Davis Attention Mastery approach. SIMS Learning Center can help each individual determine which program will provide the best start. © Davis Dyslexia Association International
Davis Math MasteryDavis® Math Mastery provides tools to correct problems learning math. These learning problems are sometimes called dyscalculia and can often accompany dyslexia and ADHD symptoms. The Davis approach goes to the root issues that cause some people to have problems understanding and learning math with traditional teaching methods. Visual-spatial thinkers are often confused by the words and symbols which describe math functions. When the foundation concepts for understanding all mathematics are mastered, learning math becomes easy. Like Davis Dyslexia Correction®, the first step in Davis Math Mastery is to enable children and adults to control disorientation. Once students can be sure that their perceptions are accurate, they can resolve any confusions about math with methods that build upon their creative and imaginative strengths. The length of a Davis Math Mastery program varies, depending on the needs of the individual. Usually, the Facilitator will schedule 5 to 8 days. Less time may be required if the client has already completed a basic Davis Dyslexia Correction program. The program is appropriate for children age 8 and over, and adults of any age. Davis Math Mastery programs addresses: - Foundation concepts for understanding and learning math; - Numbers, numerals, quantities, and counting; - Place value; - Arithmetic operations; - Fractions and decimals; - Word problem comprehension; - Learning math facts like basic addition or multiplication tables; - Telling time or keeping track of time; - Reading or using a calendar; - Making change; - Balancing a checkbook; - Sequencing and Logic Basic Outline of a Davis Math Mastery Program: - Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment and Symptoms Profile Interview - Davis Orientation Counseling® - Mastery of basic language symbols, as needed - Introduction to Davis Symbol Mastery® - Mastery of the foundation concepts underlying all mathematics: Change, Cause-Effect, Before-After, Consequence, Time, Sequence, and Order vs. Disorder - Davis Math Function Exercises: Twelve exercises which quickly lead to competency with dividing three-place numbers including decimals. - Symbol Mastery practice on Story Problem Trigger Words: For example the word “by.” The common meaning in everyday language would be “close to.” There are two separate meanings which must be mastered for accurate comprehension in math — for multiplication the meaning would be “using as a multiplier,” and for division the meaning would be “into groups of.” - Comprehension practice reading story problems, as needed. - Symbol Mastery on Key glossary words of math text book, if needed. - Results Assessment Interview. - Support training for teachers, tutors, parents and helpers. - A Student Backpack Kit with a manual and materials necessary for successful follow-up to the program. (Follow up consists of mastering the meanings of 21 “trigger words” which describe math functions.) © Davis Dyslexia Association International
What Sets Us ApartWe view dyslexia as a result of an inherent mental gift or talent. People who develop dyslexia think in pictures, rather than words; they are imaginative and creative; and they try to solve problems by looking at the whole picture, rather than working step-by-step. Davis Dyslexia Correction is a strength-based approach that harnesses the mental talents that dyslexic people share to overcome the learning problems. To do this, students must use different strategies than are commonly taught with remedial programs. When dyslexic students recognize their mental talents, they develop a renewed sense of self-esteem and confidence. When they start to employ study methods which capitalize on their talents, progress is very rapid. The Davis method does not rely on instruction based on phonics. Dyslexic students rely mostly on non-verbal thought processes. Since their primary mode of thought is to rely on pictures or other sensory impressions, they have difficulty thinking with the sounds of words and it is hard to try to read by breaking words down into component sounds. Rather than trying to force students to use a method that is inherently difficult for them, Davis methods teach a visual and meaning-based approach that is much easier for dyslexic people to learn and use. This in turn leads to much more rapid progress than with traditional instruction. Rather than the slow progress and labored reading that often is seen with phonics-based methods, Davis strategies enable dyslexic students to become fluent, capable, and often enthusiastic readers. The Davis method does not employ repetition or drill. Dyslexic students have a hard time remembering things that they do not fully understand. Repetition and drill are a waste of time and increase frustration because they will not retain information unless they understand where it fits into the “big picture”. The Davis approach is based on mastery — students are given tools that enable them to master the symbols and concepts that are part of learning. Once mastered, the information is understood inherently and the student does not need to practice or review. The Davis method does not rely on physical devices such as colored overlays or large print books. Dyslexia is a developmental learning problem that affects the way that individuals process information. It is not a result of problems with vision or hearing. While some physical devices may seem to make reading or writing easier, the use of such devices does not help the dyslexic student to function normally. Dyslexic students do often experience distortions in perception, but these problems are caused by mental disorientation. It is not a problem with eyes or ears, but rather the way that the brain interprets the input from the sensory organs. With the Davis approach, students learn to recognize disorientation when it occurs, and learn simple techniques to reorient themselves so that they can maintain mental focus and accurately perceive print on a page. The Davis method does not rely on medications or herbal treatments. The Davis approach puts dyslexic students in control of their own learning, mental focus, and energy level. Since dyslexia is not a disease or a psychiatric ailment, medications will not address the underlying problem, and will only tend to hinder the student’s ability to learn. © Davis Dyslexia Association International
History of Davis MethodsIn 1980, at age 38, Ronald Dell Davis overcame his own severe dyslexia when he found a way to quickly eliminate common perceptual distortions. For the first time in his life, he could read and enjoy a book without struggling. To his surprise and delight, he soon learned that the simple mental exercise he had discovered for himself seemed to work just as well for other dyslexic adults who tried it out. He soon realized that correcting perception was not enough; it was also necessary to eliminate the sources of confusion that triggered disorientation. For dyslexia, that meant a system for building strong word recognition and comprehension skills, geared to the dyslexic learning style. After independent clinical research and working with experts in many fields, Ron Davis perfected his program for correcting dyslexia in adults and children. In 1982, Ron Davis and Dr. Fatima Ali, Ph.D., opened the Reading Research Council Dyslexia Correction Center in California, achieving a 97% success rate in helping clients overcome their learning problems. In 1994, the first edition of the book, The Gift of Dyslexia was published. Within a year the book had been translated into several other languages, and Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI) was established to formally train other professionals to provide the same program throughout the world. There are now hundreds of Davis Facilitators offering services in more than 30 languages and more than 40 countries worldwide. The basic ideas underlying the Davis Dyslexia Correction program have also been extended to develop specialized programs for Attention Mastery, Math Mastery, and Autism. © Davis Dyslexia Association International
Davis Progam Research StudiesThe Davis Dyslexia Correction program was developed by Ronald Dell Davis from independent experimentation and research, beginning in the early 1980’s. Davis, who was himself severely dyslexic, had discovered a simple mental technique that radically improved his ability to focus on print. Through clinical experience working with dyslexic adults and children, Davis and his colleagues improved and refined the methods over time. In 1994, after working with more than 1,000 clients, Davis published the first edition of The Gift of Dyslexia, detailing his methods and the theory behind them. Since that time, hundreds of professionals have received advanced training in Davis methods, and licensed Davis Facilitators have collectively worked with more than 20,000 clients. In the years since, many scholars have studied the implementation and effectiveness of Davis techniques. Below is a summary of various studies which have been published in peer-reviewed research journals, presented as conference papers, or submitted as academic dissertations. Clay’s the Thing: Clay Work for Mastering Spelling (2018 - Journal Article and Open Access) Case study of four students exploring impact of Davis program and Davis Symbol Mastery on learning engagement and spelling ability. (Patricia Carson, Reesa Sorin.) Davis Learning Strategies in New Zealand Schools Action Research Inquiry 2018 (2018 - Agency Report) Survey of reported results and progress reports from 10 New Zealand schools after implementation of Davis Learning Strategies school program. (Jane Severinsen) The Effectiveness Of Orientation And Symbol Mastery On The Quality Of Reading In Dyslexic Boy Students (2017 - Journal Article) Controlled Study with pre-test / post-test design of 30 dyslexic third-grade boys. (Abdolghaderi M., Kodamehri Shijani F.,Kafi M.,Falah M.,Khosrojavid M.) Not Just Playing With Clay: Symbol Mastery for Spelling and Word Comprehension (2016 - Journal Article) Small group study exploring impact of Davis methods on spelling ability of children ages 11-16. (Patricia Carson, Reesa Sorin) Efficacy of Davis Dyslexia Correction Program on Rereading Performance of male students with Dyslexia (2015 - Journal Article and Open Access) Controlled, quasi-experimental study of 30 third-grade males given 16 30-minute sessions of Davis-based individual therapy. (Khodamehri F, Kafi Masule S M, Khosrov Javid M, Fallahi M.) Dyslexia and children's English language learning in a Mexican elementary school: A crowdsourced intervention study (2015 - Academic and Academic Dissertation) Qualitative Research exploring impact of multiple strategies for dyslexic English language learners in a classroom context, including clay modeling of letters and words based on Davis Symbol Mastery. (Sudek Montes, Eliška Marina) Symbol Mastery and the Retention of Dolch Spelling Words (2014 - Academic and Conference Paper) Small group study exploring use of Davis Symbol Mastery for learning spelling of homonyms on the Dolch word list. (Patricia Carson and Reesa Sorin) The Effects Of The Davis Symbol Mastery System To Assist A Fourth Grader With Dyslexia In Spelling: A Case Report (2012 - Academic and Journal Article) Case study, using Davis Symbol Mastery to assist a fourth grade boy with a diagnosed learning diability to learn spelling words. (Amsberry, Gianna; T. F. Mclaughlin; K. Mark Derby; Teresa Waco) Effectiveness of Davis Dyslexia Correction Method on Reading Performance of Dyslexic Children (2012 - Academic and Journal Article) Randomized controlled study comparing 20 dyslexic third grade boys receiving Davis-based tutoring with a control group. (Heidari T, Amiri Sh, Molavi H) Effect of the Davis training method on self-concept children with dyslexia (2012 - Academic and Journal Article) Randomized controlled study; psychological benefits of Davis program. Third grade boys receiving Davis-based intervention showed significant improvement in educational, athletic, and social self-conceptualization. (Heidari, Taher, Shole Amiri, and Hosein Molavi) The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Fernald and Davis Method on Reading Performance in the Dyslexic Students (2012 - Journal Article and Open Access) Experimental study of Davis-based intervention, Fernald-based intervention, and two matched control groups comprised of dyslexic third graders. Results showed significant post-test differences among intervention groups. (Heidari T, Isfahani AS, Abedi A, Bahramipour M) La dyslexie et les difficultés qu’elle peut poser à l’établissement de la relation pédagogique (2012 - Academic Dissertation) French language Master’s thesis by a licensed Davis Facilitator, including a detailed single case study of a young adult completing a Davis Dyslexia Correction program. (Théano Panagiotopoulou) Effects of the Clay Modeling Program on the Reading Behavior of Children with Dyslexia: A Malaysian Case Study (2011 - Academic and Journal Article) Case study of use of Davis Symbol Mastery and Davis Reading Exercises with three students. (Ambrose, Patricia Philip; and Loh Sau Cheong) Impact of Davis Dyslexia Correction Method on the Improvement of the Adult Dyslexic's Reading Skills (2011 - Academic and Journal Article) Researchers investigated the efficiency of Davis Dyslexia Correction Method on reading skills of 16 randomly selected adults, age 17-40. (Shayan, Nasrm, Mahnaz Akhvan Tafti, Hasan Asheri) The Davis Model of Dyslexia Intervention: Lessons from One Child (2010 - Academic and Journal Article) Case Study reporting progress of a 9-year-old student using Davis Dyslexia Correction techniques. (Lee, Lay Wah) Effect of Ron Davis approach and Eclectic approach on reading ability among primary school dyslexic children (2010 - Academic Dissertation) Comparative Group Study, comparing pre/post treatment outcomes of 30 third and fourth grade students (age 8-11) taught with either the Davis approach or an eclectic approach designed by the researcher, with a control group receiving traditional classroom instruction. (Rekha) A Case Study Evaluating the Ronald Davis' Orientation Counselling and Symbol Mastery Procedures for Correcting Dyslexia (2009 - Academic Dissertation) Case Study. (DaCosta, Sharon Delreta) A Case Study in Teaching Reading to the Adult Learner (2009 - Academic and Academic Dissertation) Case study, using a combination of a traditional tutoring approach (Wilson Reading) and Davis Alignment with adult student. (Dwayne Hess) Enhancing intermediate dyslexic learners' literacy skills: a Free State community project (2009 - Academic and Journal Article) Controlled Study, comparing outcomes of 18 intermediate school dyslexic learners who received Davis-base tutoring over a period of 9 months, with a matched control group receiving traditional tutoring. (van Staden, A; A. Tolmie; MG Badenhorst) The effect of the Ron Davis programme on the reading ability and psychological functioning of children (2005 - Academic and Academic Dissertation) Study of academic and psychological progress of 10 dyslexic students compared with a matched control group of 10 students. (Engelbrecht. René Jeanne) The Effectiveness of Davis Dyslexia Correction Method Re-examined in Iran (2005 - Academic and Journal Article) Researchers taught two randomly selected students using Davis Orientation Counseling and Symbol Mastery, and compared progress with two matched controls. (Feizipoor H., and Akhavan Tafti) Three-dimensional clay modeling instruction: A pathway to spatial concept formation in second language learners. (2003 - Academic and Academic Dissertation) Study of Davis -based clay modeling as a study technique for university students learning a foreign language. (Serrano-Lopez, Maria A.) Confronto di efficacia ed efficienza tra trattamenti per il miglioramento della lettura in soggetti dislessic (2003 - Academic and Journal Article) Study comparing rate and level of reading skill improvement of students taught with one of eight different methods of dyslexia intervention; the group receiving Davis Orientation counseling showed the greatest improvement in reading speed, and the most rapid rate of improvement. (Patrizio E. Tressoldi, Claudio Vio, Maria Luisa Lorusso, Andrea Facoetti, Roberto Iozzino) The Effect of the Davis Learning Strategies on First Grade Word Recognition and Subsequent Special Education Referrals (2001 - Academic and Journal Article) Longitudinal study of 86 primary level students taught with Davis strategies in 3 groups. Students scored significantly higher on recognition of basic sight words than students in matched control groups. (Sharon Pfeiffer, Ronald Davis, Ethel Kellogg, Carol Hern, T.F. McLaughlin, and Gerry Curry) © Davis Dyslexia Association International
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